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Grand Opening of "Electronic Components Industry Innovation Development Annual Meeting 2012"

Date Time:2012.03.02

On Jan.10, 2012, "Electronic Components Industry Innovation Development Annual Meeting 2012" and "Quality Suppliers Awards 2011" were held by in Huaqiang Plaza Hotel.

Plenty of famous specialists, elites, outstanding entrepreneurs, upstream and downstream suppliers and purchasers in the industry have participated the meeting. Xiaotian Xu, the CEO of China Semiconductor  Industry Association (CSIA) and many other leaders made speech at the meeting.

With the theme of "gathering elites, enjoying grand banquet and winning tomorrow", the meeting was divided into three parts: "Closed roundtable forum for electronic industry hot spot and business strategy", "Electronic Components Industry Innovation Development Annual Meeting 2012" and "Quality Suppliers Awards 2011".

Will the Chinese economic situation be better or worse in 2012? What kinds of challenges and opportunities will Chinese electronic components industry face? In the first part "Closed roundtable forum for electronic industry hot spot and business strategy", the industry leaders concentrated on the development trend and innovation hot spots of 2012 semiconductor industry to discuss.

In the second part "Electronic Components Industry Innovation Development Annual Meeting 2012", Hui Liu, the senior analyst of Huaqiang Electronic Industry research institution announced the penetrating analysis and conclusion of "Review and outlook of Semiconductor Application market hot spot in 2012". Besides, several leaders of the enterprises in the industry have shared their precious business experience, for example, YaDong Liu, the vice CEO of Shanghai Techtronics.Co.,Ltd brilliantly discussed the "the challenge that distributors are facing and the current situation of building technical ability".

At the end of the meeting, in order to reward those enterprises who worked hard and made unremitting endeavor in the past year, "Quality Suppliers Award 2011" was held. The award winners were including outstanding entrepreneurs, upstream and downstream suppliers and distributors in the electronic components  industry.

In the enthusiastic and exciting atmosphere, the meeting came to an end successfully.