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Pushing the Development of Chinese Electronic Components and Less Reply on Overseas

Date Time:2012.03.02

Chinese electronic components industry is in the process of development enterprise scale common is relatively small, and is dispersion distribution and related technology research and development started relatively lags behind. The most comprehensive enterprise competition ability relatively weak, enterprise more mainly concentrated in the OEM manufacture and so on the weak link, and domestic electronics manufacturing enterprise in research and development and the production process, the most key raw material and equipment how dependent and import foreign products, so in industrial chain upstream of the raw material and equipment are lack of competition dynamics link.

At present our country LED chips that may be used in the manufacture of MOCVD equipment from German and the United States more supply company, so chip enterprise bargaining power is poorer; Another domestic production enterprise required touch screen glass substrates by the United States and Japan is a few big monopoly supplier, so last year Japan earthquake affected not only global LCD panel and touch screen industrial chain to our country industry also caused serious influence; Domestic organic semiconductor device of light emitting materials patent chiefly by Japanese and south Korean enterprise hands, high patent fees have made the domestic producers; Finally, widely used steel, power, transportation of a variety of domains such as high pressure high-power electronic power devices also much depends on imports, the domestic electronic components industry lack of corresponding core competitive ability.

Before the electronic components industry development in our country has made achievements, now face a variety of adverse factors, our country is introduced to replace important electronic components industry of the import plan, in addition to that of the rapid development of the network, planning singled out, want to comply with the market development and improve and things such as networking in the fields of important key components of the product application, realize the main application fields as soon as possible the key components in domestic enterprises to mass production, and gradually replace imported products.

Our country electronic components industry will have transform, various aspects technology will be strengthened, and independent research and development and production in China will further strengthen, the Chinese electronic components industry external dependence will gradually declined, eventually our country electronic components industry will have a better development.